Car Insurance Reviews

Aviva Auto Insurance Reviews

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(477 reviews)
1.3 out of 5 stars:
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Most helpfull reviews

Do not trust this “insurance”!

by Never AVIVA on Mar 7, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

Run as far as you can from this company. Do not waste your money... this company should get zero stars. Phoned them needing a tow. Claims representative told me my basic plan would cover the first 300 km of the tow. Anything over that and I would be responsible for it. No problem. But, without any contact at all, this rip off crew says “nope, you get the bill”. Unbelievable. The customer service representative is obviously trained to say you are covered for anything, then they just say nope after and do not honour their contract.

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by I was a fool. on Feb 28, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

I didn’t listen to the reviews and that was a huge mistake. Should be zero stars. Think you’ll save money with AVIVA? You won’t. Customer service representative tells you one thing and approves you for a tow, then a year later AVIVA sends a bill saying they won’t cover it. But not to you. Nope, you’ll get your first inkling when you get a letter from a collection agency. Total rip-off company. Do not insure with them! Protect yourself from being abused. Better to have no insurance then AVIVA.

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Worse experience of my life!

by TakeMyWord4it on Feb 9, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

Aviva uses delay and escapes tactics to get out of paying you. They request a phenomenal amount of doctor's notes and Medical documentation. If you try to go it on your own then forget about it, they will make you feel crazy and dismiss you. You NEED a lawyer to back you up if you want them to treat you half fairly. Even then the lawyer's aid will have a hard time getting them to pick up the phone and even the lawyer will have troubles. They will wait the full 30 days to pay you OR present you with a request for FURTHER documentation and make you wait for another 30 days and THEN once you sent it in they will legally have another 30 days to acknowledge that they received the paperwork. Get a good lawyer if you want your entitled benefit money, whether you are a customer or a victim of one of their customers and you have no insurance.

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Aviva keeps your accident!

by liz on Jan 27, 2020
1.5 out of 5 stars

If you had a car accident in the past, BEWARE! Aviva Insurance goes back NINE YEARS, do you believe that. Most other insurance companies go back 6 years than its no longer on your file, BUT NOT AVIVA, they go back 9 years before you no longer have that accident report against you...

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Awful company

by Dontuseaviva on Dec 20, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Been a customer for over 3 years, spent almost $5000 with them to insure my truck. No accidents, no claims, always paid monthly on time, 9-star driver rating. Receive letter (which is registered for some reason) without thanking me for being a customer saying your renewal will expire, you will have to fill out a form otherwise we will not renew you, and you will have to pay an annual lump sum. The quote was an extra $600/year. No thank you - will not use again and would urge others not to either.

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by Tony m on Dec 18, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

This company is unprofessional and very manipulative and dishonest. They will use any dirty tactic in the book to avoid paying your claim. I was with them for a long time and when I put in my claim they used dishonesty and a lack of professionalism to deny my claim.

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Crazy price increase

by Markian on Dec 16, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

How Aviva (RBC) stays in business I have no idea? They jacked up my rates 67% for my house and 47% for my cars. I have had no claims ever. Very polite service representatives who could not explain the price increase nor would they offer anyone more senior who could. I quickly changed companies after years with RBC.

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Capitalism at it's finest

by Nognlite on Dec 11, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

This company is the most disgusting, money-grabbing, a capitalistic company I have ever dealt with. My daughter gets in a multi-vehicle accident where the vehicle behind her was smashed into by a distracted driver and forced into her but is found 50% at fault for hitting the vehicle in front because they were moving and she was too close. How do I know this? She was told this 30 seconds into the claim call. Nice way to start the call. Your rates are going to go up. In the next 5 min of the call, they have already written the car off and were ready to send her a cheque. All she had to do was accept their finalization of the claim. The car still sitting in a heap outside the ambulance. No police report and the adjuster not even looking at the car. That's dodgy to start with. We are now in week three. They offered half the deductible and $300 for tires of a $1200 winter tire package. $300 dollars for rubber. That's $66 per tire before tax. LOL, not in Canada! They want my daughter to provide a breakdown of the cost of tires or 2-3 quotes from online. Uh, no. That's your job. Oh wait, you didn't even look at the car, so you wouldn't know. That is sheer laziness and incompetent. At this point, we are waiting for the Claims Manager to explain to me the fault in accidents. This should be interesting. My mortgage is coming due in the next month! Stay away from Aviva, especially as a new driver. Cheap insurance means a cheaper service.

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1 star is far too many

by Yarbles on Dec 2, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

If you have an automobile claim be prepared for Aviva to offer you 50% of the value of comparable vehicles. I thought that the idea of having an insurance policy was so that you would be put back into the position you were in at the time of the loss. This is not so in the case with Aviva who offered me far less for my written-off vehicle (100% not my fault) than I could actually replace it for. The net result being I am now without a vehicle and I'm in a dispute with Aviva which I'm certain will not be resolved any time soon. I would not recommend Aviva to anybody, in fact, I've warned many people about my thoroughly unpleasant experience with Aviva.

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by Disappointed on Nov 28, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

For a very basic claim (of which I was not at fault) this company handling of my claim has been super incompetent. You give your information to them over and over and when you call back, apart from your name and address, nobody knows what's going on because nobody seems to be making notes. Messages to 'dispatch' aren't being taken seriously. Nobody seems to know what's going on. This has been a terrible experience for me and as soon as I can I am going to switch insurance companies.

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