Car Insurance Reviews

Aviva Auto Insurance Reviews

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(477 reviews)
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Do Not Use this Company

by KamyRR on Jun 8, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I have been with them for ten years and the reason why I left was they would sometimes take out two payments for one month and skip a month. When I called them to ask why they changed the payment days around, their answer to me was - "That's how the calculations work." With that change, it was very hard for me to keep up. I am disabled and working part-time. My payments went from $140.00 a month to $160.00 sometimes twice a month. That was very hard. Last year I had missed a payment and I received a registered letter from the company. As soon as I got the letter I called them. The guy on the phone told me that they had already cancelled my tenant insurance and I can not get it back, even if I paid. So my husband paid everything in full and I made sure to ask the guy on the phone if there was any outstanding balance and he said "NO". The company sent me a letter letting me know that I have no outstanding balance. It is a good thing that I kept the letter because now they sent me two more letters saying that I owe them an outstanding balance of over $300.00. I was so mad that I called them and asked them what are they doing. One lady said it was for leaving the company and it is the total of two policies plus interest. I told her that they cancelled from their end and she could not give me a good answer. I called them back a few days later and spoke to another lady. I had all my letters those they sent me and read them to her because I was so mad. She told me that the company was charging me 16% interest on late payment and leaving the company. I have received two calls from the billing department. I did not take the first call but I took the second call and the guy was trying to be nice but I was still mad.

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Worst insurance company

by aisha on Jun 6, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

They will put you through hell and back. I got into a car accident and it wasn't my fault I was hit from the back. I had my 10-month-old baby and as insurance, they were no help end story I struggled but yet I paid them every month... This company is a scam they enjoying taking your money for a service they can't provide. Please, If you want to be a peace protect yourself and stay away from Aviva

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Expensive and sneaky

by Fedup on May 31, 2019
3 out of 5 stars

It is true that their customer service is good... but everything stops there. When you have a change in insurance coverage, good luck trying to understand their calculations. If you have a claim, they will act on it promptly... but... they will nickel and dime you to death. They will tell you their procedure, not the one you are legally entitled to. They will low-ball you for your claim. Advice? Fight for your numbers. Get prices of similar cars and send them to the "adjuster". Request your claim be sent to the supervisor. And, never, ever accept the first or second offer. Always accept the third!!!

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Review topics

If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Worst Company

by chahalsatinder on May 7, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Very bad experience with them. Facing issues after two years of animal impact claim for myself which was no fault, but now that claim is shown in my wife licence, as unknown, which increases our premium for a new policy. I don't know what to do now? Stay away from AVIVA

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Review topics

Worst Insurance

by ananda on May 6, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

My auto and home insurance were with RBC for 18 years and they changed it to AVIVA. AVIVA ask me to fill a form and keep rejecting to renew if I don't fill it right and also demand to pay a full annual premium up front. Being with RBC for that long, I didn't like their attitude and changed my insurance to another company for a better premium. They charged a monthly premium. I do not recommend Aviva insurance.

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Thank you insureye and posters

by Sakensun on Apr 28, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I was just informed we have been randomly chosen to reapply and thanks to what I have read we will be looking elsewhere. I’m sure there are other companies willing to insure 3 cars for someone who has never had a ticket or claim or missed a payment in 26 years. It also seems to me that we were “randomly picked” because our 16-year-old daughter just received her learners permit. And although there it is not supposed to affect your insurance as a parent, this is their way of increasing your premiums.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

Find another provider

by Kirby on Mar 19, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

One of the many caught in the Aviva Alberta Exodus. Not prepared to go through the hoops they have demanded for renewal, nor switch from monthly to annual upfront payment on less than a month's notice, nor risk them denying me insurance for missing an item on their form if not filled in to their satisfaction. Would require me being on hold with them yet again to get data that only they have as it was never released to me anyways! In calling around for quotes, other providers have confirmed that Aviva started with low rates then realized the claims rate in AB and are getting out. Have landed at The Personal for a similar rate.

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by kellyd on Mar 12, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

We just received their standard registered letter, requiring us to complete a new application, which they may or not approve, and then we must pay our entire premium up front. We have been with RBC, which is now underwritten by Aviva, for over 10 years. No claims, never a late payment, loyal customers and this is what we get in return. After a conversation with RBC, I was advised that Aviva is requiring all premiums are to be made upfront for EVERY Aviva customer in Alberta and a couple of other provinces due to the amount of defaulted payments. Apparently, they don't look at you as an individual, but as an Albertan! Unbelievable. This looks really bad for RBC as well.

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Review topics

Insurance canceled NO REASON?

by A99252 on Mar 7, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Been with them for 2 years, just got a letter after winter saying they are cancelling my bike insurance. THAT'S AWESOME, BIKE SEASON IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! UNBELIEVABLE. Don't waste your money!

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.

AVIVA, a horror story.

by Frank on Mar 5, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

For anyone that has auto insurance from Aviva Canada, I strongly suggest you find a new provider and for anyone who is contemplating using them for insurance to stay well clear of them. They are a horror story and only want your money and will find any excuse to avoid payouts. Here is my horror story. I have had them for over 10 years as my auto insurance provider and dutifully paid the premiums on time, every time, even when I heard others had cheaper premiums with other companies. Stupid me. On July 2018 I was involved in an auto collision. The other driver was at fault and was charged with careless driving by the police officer. It was my bad luck that he also had Aviva insurance. I reported the accident in same day. Aviva quickly wrote off the vehicle, even though the damage did not seem that extensive, and lowballed me on the payout. Less than half of what I paid 2 years prior. I argued that I had done some major repair work on it 6 months prior and should be at least partially compensated for that as well. According to Aviva that is apparently where I committed a sin. It seems we cannot question being ripped off by them. After 1 month of no definitive answers from them, in frustration, I cancelled my multiple auto and property policies with Aviva. They lost a total of $6,600 annual premiums because of their unprofessional approach. And really for a mere $12,000 claim. That appeared to have been my second mistake. I believe that they thought it was now payback for cancelling my policies. They took over 6 months to make a case that the work was not done as detailed in the receipts I provided. They put me through phone and an in-person interrogation (the Gestapo could not have done a better job). The end result was that they declined my claim including the car rental I used for 1 week after the accident. While it may be true that the auto shop cheated me on the work done in the bills, they should have simply declined the receipts and maintained their original offer, low as it was. Talk about adding salt to a wound. I have now retained a lawyer and proceeding with legal action against Aviva. Stay away from this scam of a company.

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