Car Insurance Reviews

Aviva Auto Insurance Reviews

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(477 reviews)
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Another victim.

by Bertie on Sep 4, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Aviva raised my rates for 3 cars and home from $2100/year to $3360/year and demanded full payment upfront. I have a driving and credit rating that would make a veteran police officer look like a punk kid. Some of us didn't deserve this, life is hard enough.

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A Shameful Company

by Unhappy52 on Sep 4, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

After years of being a customer of RBC insurance and then Aviva, I have left because of the shameful treatment I have received. On the Friday of the holiday weekend, I received a letter from Aviva saying that my auto insurance was cancelled because I had not filled out an application for insurance form. Why did I need to fill in this form that apparently was sent to me but admittedly on their part was returned in the mail? Because that was there "new" policy. Never mind that I was left with no auto insurance over the long weekend, nor let's not consider the fact that all the information they requested they already had. This was clearly an effort to raise rates. Then to add insult to injury when I phoned them after the long weekend, they said that now I would have to play by a new set of rules which would take another two weeks to put in place. When I mentioned I've just spoken to their representative three days before the long weekend on another matter and there was no mention of this, they said perhaps I should contact an insurance broker.....and I did. Thank you for the advice, now I have the same coverage for much less money. Shame on you, AVIVA.

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Stay Away from this company

by mark on Sep 3, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Would give less than 1 if possible. Must be said that AVIVA/RBC are the same. Have had nothing but nightmares dealing with adjusters (Never call back or answer emails, send incorrect info, etc). We lost our cars due to a tornado and took 4 months to get things resolved. But the latest just kicks the bucket. My daughters insurance (perfect driving record, no claims) went up 48% because they decided to remove the typical discounts that are available everywhere else such as Student discount, multi-vehicle discount, web quote discount, winter tire discount. We have been with them for almost 12 years. Will be moving to another company (4 cars, 3 houses). Unbelievable how this company does not care about its clients.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

car theft

by john c on Sep 2, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I had my car stolen the best part the car was stolen next to the Ontario Provincial Police and Kingston police. Ontario Provincial Police put 2 cruisers in my driveways, told them it was reported stolen, they told me white man driving erratic tall thin near 30. They seem to have figured it was me and they would just go to my residence to arrest me. They, certainly, sent the biggest cops they could have. When car recovered, refused to do a DNA test even though there were dozens of sample potentials. Then Aviva valued the car at 1200, I gave them a guess as to mileage was off by 50 000 they could not have cared said the car was write off, guy did not even have an external power source to hook up and turn on power and code reader to see if anything or what was wrong. Had 500 deductible, but you have paid for disappearing deductible lucky you, runaround this person is on vacation now they will be back in a week, they ought to have a value listed to the car at the beginning of each year in case something like this happens you know exactly how little you are gonna get.

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62% increase Car rates 2019

by Daveb on Aug 31, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

As a family we have two vehicles with Aviva and we have no claims, no tickets ( perfect driving records), are both over 64 years old and out of the blue our new insurance rates have gone up 62% year over year with ‘no’ explanation and less than one month to explore all options. Customer service has no explanations except to blame all other drivers for this increase and no empathy or care for their clients. We have been with RBC for over 15 years and will now explore how to explore the appropriate changes in advance of the 2020 renewals as we look to change. Too late for this year but rest assured our house, cottage and vehicles will no longer be with Aviva next year. Please check carefully your policy renewals and start the process of finding the right rate in a very confusing industry with only corporate profits as the motive for change.

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by angry consumer on Aug 22, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Let's work together to put this sorry insurance company out of business. When I reported an accident, the worker at Aviva treated me like less than dirt. Although neither I or the person who claimed I scratched her vehicle asked for any money, Aviva cancelled my policy at the soonest opportunity. Of course, I could enjoy the benefit of their lousy service if I forked over big bucks. No thanks, Aviva.

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They Don't Care

by Corgisrule on Aug 22, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I was forced to fill out a paper form with the threat of cancelling my insurance on me if I did not, after almost 3 years of insurance with them, then they claimed I didn't send it in because I didn't fill out sections of the form that only an insurance agent would know to fill out. I called to check on the second time around and was informed they no longer do monthly payments but require the whole thing upfront. Really? I've never missed a payment, and I would expect with that kind of change I should have at least 6 months notice so I could actually save up, but no... Apparently they assume the average Canadian can pull $2000 out of thin air. I cancelled as a result.

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1992 called, wants form back

by Dalgliesh on Aug 19, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

A lazy company, making bad decisions, losing customers by the boatload. Are you kidding me? 1. Fill out these ridiculous forms to tell us all the things we already know, cause we're too busy to give you an online tool to help you out, oh and, 2. Thanks for your years of on-time, monthly payments, but we'll require your entire annual premium upfront. Why do you ask? Because there's a lot of bad actors out there and you need to pay for their "poor decision making". Shame on you RBC.

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Review topics

Worst Experience in 25ys

by Danny DiCarlo on Aug 12, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

At Aviva we expect you to be lawyers and read every word of our 30 pages welcome package for you to find all the scams because we jack your rates up by 25% overnight and then screw your over by charging an extra months worth of charges when you terminate your policy after noticing 1 month after you review the policy change. We try our very best to screw over our clients and then 'read from the script' when you call in and complain. You might as well use a computer for all your service agents because they all sound like robots that do nothing for their clients. 'No if, ands or buts, we cannot prove or deny anything and you should have read your contract fully before getting tricked by us". I have been in customer service for 20 years and I know garbage customer service when I see it. Aviva will go under in a few years and all those scripted speaking non-human agents will be looking for new jobs. Enjoy it!

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Nightmare Claim Experience

by Fruitbats2018 on Aug 9, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Rear-ended December 2018. Opened claim, car towed from the driveway and provided with rental. Made several attempts to contact the insurer, eight days after opening the claim was told via email the car was a write-off and offered a ridiculously low settlement and that we needed to release the car, collect plates, and return rental within three days. Emailed our adjustor over the next few days, to arrange a phone call. Finally, scheduled time, he failed to call us. Call finally happened, we got nowhere. The adjustor was only interested in selling us insurance for our next car. Refused to budge on the return date for our rental, even after we pleaded, as it was the holidays and we didn't have the cash flow to go out and buy a new car. Cancelled weekend plans and went car shopping. The new car would be ready in five days, rental car was due back in three. We had to extend rental at our own cost. Researched comparable cars for sale, to negotiate a fairer settlement. Immediately found three comparables with higher selling prices, and sent those through. Two of the three were rejected as they were located out of province, we had never been told that would be a qualifying factor. Also, then told we needed to find at least TEN comparables. We found nine more and sent them through, eight of which were rejected due to "special features". We were told that our settlement would remain the same, even though it very well should have gone down. A cheap scare tactic. We took a closer look at the initial valuation report that had been sent through that calculated the initial settlement offer, and we found that many of the so-called comparables that they had used included the very same "special features", with a $25 deduction applied. We sent the same set of cars we'd found back, with the same $25 adjustment, and asked for our settlement to be reconsidered. Discovered snow tires hadn't been included in the valuation. Calculated a depreciated value of $600. We pointed this out to the adjuster, to which he replied that no value would be added. The only way we could get value out of the tires would be if we switched them out ourselves before releasing the car to the insurance company. Contacted the auto body shop that was holding our car. Advised us they did not have the equipment to switch out tires. Suggested we have the car towed to a mechanic, switch the tires then tow the car back to them, at our own cost. This would negate making the switch in the first place. We tried one more time with the adjuster for the value of our snow tires to be reconsidered, along with the ten cars we had sent. Furthermore, we also noticed they had failed to calculate mileage adjustments for their ten cars, so they were comparing our car with below-average mileage to much lower-priced cars with higher mileages. After days of waiting, we finally got an increased offer. It still wasn't enough, but it was an improvement. Based on the comparables we sent through and all the discrepancies we pointed out in their valuation, we got the value of the car increased by about $750, and they also added in $225 for the snow tires "as a goodwill gesture." We calculated the offer and hoped for a little bit more of an increase, but were stonewalled with a dispute letter. We contacted GIO to see if we had a case, but we were pretty much at a dead end. We sent the Proof of Loss form to our adjustor, finalizing our settlement. We didn't hear anything from the adjustor, followed up a few more times. He said we were "welcome" to collect our personal effects and plates whenever we felt like it. A week after we finalized the settlement, we asked our adjustor for an update on the delivery of our cheque, ONLY THEN he told us that we HAD to go and release the car in person before he would release our cheque! Received a letter from RBC Insurance detailing that our policies had been cancelled at our request, but we owed them money. Our policy had always been on a pre-payment plan, so it would only make sense that they would owe us a refund for the unused portion of the month. A "final notice" arrived only TWO days later advising if we didn't pay up, a collection agency would come after us. I paid the $100 balance owing, but only in protest. It then took over a month to get our correct refunds. They owed us around $300 now - even after acknowledgment of our cancellation, RBC continued to deduct our monthly payments. The cheque arrived at the end of January but we were told by our adjustor that we would be liable for a $500 deductible if we could not provide the police report with the other party's insurance details. We protested this sudden deductible appearing out of nowhere, as our paperwork indicated that we had a $0 deductible. The adjustor apologized and claimed he'd been "looking at the wrong file." In mid-February, another cheque arrived for the $500 deductible, which had been factored out of our initial settlement and was owed to us. Also received a $300 cheque from our cancelled policies. Still outstanding at this point is the liability of our case. We emailed the adjustor the week after receiving our settlement outlining what had clearly happened in the collision once again and with the police report attached. Months later, we still haven't received any confirmation on how our case was ruled, but we assume the case is now closed and that we would have heard something by now. It certainly would have been nice for our adjustor to let us know.

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