Life Insurance Reviews

Primerica Life Insurance Company Life Insurance Reviews

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(33 reviews)
Primerica Life Insurance Company
2.6 out of 5 stars:
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Very unprofessional

by Cleveland on Aug 28, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

They were extremely unprofessional when it came to my sister’s policy. In the beginning, the rep seemed very helpful until it was time for the paperwork to go through claims and the policy was denied. Stated that my sister put false information, which the rep said that he checked and everything was correct on his end. Then he said he would appeal it and email me a copy of the appeal which he never did and when I called the company they said it was never done. So I had to come out of pocket to lay my sister to rest because of this company. And after I talked to the company and tried to reach back out to the rep, he ignored all text and calls, which I feel was very unprofessional. So please do not choose them for your life insurance.

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by Primerica on Apr 21, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

I would like to formally lodge a complaint regarding the conduct of rep. I have observed that he does not act professionally and is unclear about his objectives. At first, he proposed something that seemed to be a genuine opportunity, but in reality, his behavior and intentions were entirely different.

Furthermore, when I did not agree with his ideas, I experienced harassment. He tries to exert pressure to ensure his viewpoint is accepted, and when he doesn't get his way, he resorts to inappropriate tactics. I am concerned about the lack of transparency and professionalism in his actions, and I hope this matter will be taken seriously to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I trust that appropriate measures will be taken to resolve this situation.

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Primerica is only death benefits & not whole life!!!

by Monica Vila on Dec 24, 2023
1.5 out of 5 stars

Primerica lied to me, they made me cancel my amazing Whole Life insurance policy with Living benefits as chronic, critical and terminal illness for their cheap life insurance policy that is NOT whole Life and that only gives you DEATH benefits!!! As well premiums increase every year!!!!
Primerica is so basic that is not even worth it!!! Primerica stop lying to people with real whole Life insurance to switch them to Primerica so you guys can get paid!!! Stop!!!!

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Did you know there is a 35% chance of developing a critical illness before you are 65 and 65%-70% chance before you turn 81? That means getting a critical illness insurance quote is no less important than getting life insurance. Your choice.

Most trustworthy insurance company out there!

by Chase on Sep 14, 2022
5 out of 5 stars

Primerica did not just offer me the most affordable and effective insurance products, they explained how the policy worked and set me on a path to retirement.

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by Mandy on Aug 30, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

Signed up in 2011. Being a single mother I needed to make sure my kids were taken care of. Well recently my kids' lives got bad and we had to move and I had to change my bank information, called and texted my representative with the new information. Months later find out payments are not coming out, Call the company and all they have to say is too bad, I can start a new policy but all the money I put in since 2011 is gone...

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Straight forward approach

by Justin on Jun 9, 2021
5 out of 5 stars

When my old contract was examined next to my now Primerica contract, it was obvious that the slight price savings of the old insurer was not worth the major financial loss over the lifetime of the policy.

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Review topics
Did you know that if you are a 35-year old female, a term life insurance policy for 10 years with coverage of $500,000 will cost you around $15-$20/month? Getting your life insurance quote today will allow you to lock-in a great rate.

Amazing company and services

by Alex on Apr 16, 2021
5 out of 5 stars

10 yrs ago, I have been seeking a financial plan service that can help me build up my wealth. Thank God bring Primerica and it's advisor to my life. That year I first get a tax return of $5500. 10 yrs later, I have 1.8 million life insurance coverage for my family and my assets doubled as I was dreaming about!!

Thanks for the professional service from Primerica and my advisor!

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Excellente compagnie

by Jio on Feb 26, 2021
5 out of 5 stars

Je lis certaines review et cela m'étonne je pense que certaines personnes se trompe de compagnie!!

Mon père a été sauvé par cette compagnie : Assurance vie prise 6 mois avant que mon père fasse des tests et découvre un cancer. Grace à l'Avenant à valeur rajouter sa prestation augmente avec le temps sachant qu'il n'aurait pas eu cette option la autre part.

Pour ma part, j'ai vaguement entendu parler de la compagnie auparavant. J'ai l'Assurance-vie Temporaire, REER pour ma retraite, CELI pour ma conjointe Plan pour mes dettes et un régime étude pour mes enfants

Excellent service client, agent courtois et serviable ainsi que l'apprentissage de beaucoup d'aspects financiers.

Je recommande fortement

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Not satisfied

by My son my angel on Dec 14, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

I am very disappointed with this company. I signed up with this company in July 2020. Once I made my first payment I was told that myself and my child were covered. Around October I was hospitalized with Covid. While in the hospital the 2nd time I was told via email that my premium went up. My only focus was to make a full recovery. On November 25, 2020 my son was murdered. When I called to file a claim, I was told that an adjuster would contact me. Over a week later, no word from them. I decided to give them a call back and was told that my claim was denied. I was told that they issued me a refund but I have never received it. The adjuster lacked empathy and compassion for anyone. Not only am I dealing with the loss of my only child, I have also to deal with this. Please run away from this company. They have no empathy for you or your loved ones!

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Did you know that mortgage insurance is the same as life insurance but more expensive and offers less protection? By cancelling it and getting life insurance, you would typically save around 30%-40% for the same coverage.


by CMB on Jun 29, 2020
1.5 out of 5 stars

I have been with Primerica from when it was Alwilliams then Milico now Primerica about 40 years! I have endured the rate changes on Renewal. But this last one broke the camels back. When I talked with my agent in march of 2020 on the changes that I needed to make to drop the amounts paid to a beneficiary due to price increase due to age. She says no problem. Got a new policy but changes were not done as requested. Talked with her again and she said they would fix it. Received the second new policy it was the same thing again no changes made. Called her again said she would look into it and get the changes made. At this point today, I have been waiting over a month and a half for the updated policy. I get one excuse after another. So as of today, I cancelled my military allotment to Primerica and my policy with Primerica. The customer service at the agent level in near none existent.

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