Presidents Choice Financial MASTERCARD Consumer Reviews
Looking for the best Credit Card?
Earn 2% Money-Back Rewards on purchases in two 2% Money-Back Categories of your choice, and 0.50% Money-Back Rewards on all other purchases with Tangerine World Mastercard®.
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After so many years as a loyal customer, it is disappointing to know that when times are rough this company is not loyal to their customer. Paying the full balance is all fine and dandy until you come into hardship. I have been hung up on and transferred to departments that have no idea why I am calling. You lose your PC points at their discretion. Very very disappointed and will not recommend this card to anyone.
I fully agree with other reviews that their customer service and fraud departments are horrible. Two weeks after I reported that clearly fraudulent purchases were made on my card, and I was assured (after 5 hours of wait on the phone and inane conversations) that the charges were reversed and the card cancelled, new fraudulent charges were posted (which I reported), and I am still getting repeats of the same fraudulent charges. We love the free groceries, but this is not worth the aggravation. My new card took a week to arrive. Needless to say, I will not be using it.
Tangerine World Mastercard®
Earn 2% Money-Back Rewards on purchases in two 2% Money-Back Categories of your choice, and 0.50% Money-Back Rewards on all other purchases with Tangerine World Mastercard.
What else will you get:
- Have your Money-Back Rewards deposited into a Tangerine Savings Account, and get a 3rd 2% Money-Back Category.
- No limit on the amount of Money-Back Rewards you can earn.
- Change your 2% Money-Back Categories to suit your spending.
- Mobile Device Insurance
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I used to have this card many years ago. This was before the Loblaws and Shoppers Drug Mart points programs were combined. I paid off the card and closed the account at my request because of very poor customer service. The small rewards I received were not worth the frustration. Today, in 2022, my credit report still shows that my account with a status of Open, an available credit limit, but no activity. I have no confidence in the accuracy of the data they send to credit bureaus. Ironically, I just received an email invitation offering me a pre-approved account. No thanks. I checked the other reviews here and it appears things have got much worse with this company. My advice is to stay away. There are much better credit cards out there where you can get more value in rewards compared to the stingy 1000 points for 1$ standard offer from the current PC Optimum program. I still collect Optimum points when I happen to be in a store, but I use a different credit card than this one.
After 4 days of having my MasterCard, I made a $208 charge and received a text to validate the charge. I sent "Valid" as requested and the response I received said to call a 1-800 number. I was on hold for 75 minutes then got hung up on in a transfer.
I found another number and sent emails to various PC Finance locations and got a call back within 5 minutes.
The trick is to email and receive a callback, it seems.
I recently called the call centre as I had a question regarding my card. After being transferred to a specialist, I was told that she didn’t have access to the information I requested. Each time I called I was given the same response. This person was going to transfer me to a supervisor then hung up. Very disgruntled. Time to cancel the card.
Tangerine World Mastercard®
Earn 2% Money-Back Rewards on purchases in two 2% Money-Back Categories of your choice, and 0.50% Money-Back Rewards on all other purchases with Tangerine World Mastercard.
What else will you get:
- Have your Money-Back Rewards deposited into a Tangerine Savings Account, and get a 3rd 2% Money-Back Category.
- No limit on the amount of Money-Back Rewards you can earn.
- Change your 2% Money-Back Categories to suit your spending.
- Mobile Device Insurance
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Presidents choice Mastercard:
The way customers get treated by customer service is blamed at the top. It’s July and my account has not been active since June 3rd.
There has been no notification Indicating an apparent suspension enlisting: over limit, do not go over, and respectfully I was 60 dollars to find this out on July 11th.
There is a reason why there is high turnover and low morale between customer service representatives and clients that work there. They state monthly. Statements that everyone reads big say nothing about the suspension.
If you want to sign up and get a free bag of cookies and be treated horrible sign up. Spend a lot of money online and the store earns PC points where you can buy peanuts and cracker jacks. The circus is alive and well! Thanks but no thanks
I have had several issues with the PC Mastercard the latest is an address change.
I called in an address change (twice) when I moved but the bill still goes to the old address.
Tried to call a third time but no one answers the phone at all, if they do you have to wait for up to an hour
I will be canceling ASAP this card if I can manage to get ahold of anyone!
Numerous requests for statements to back up the balance due were ignored for almost a year and still waiting... Trying to pay an account here on behalf of an ailing relative but just keep getting demands from the Collection agency. No response to letters requesting statements, which stopped last August. I would not recommend PC Financial M/C or its financial services if this is the best they can do.
Tangerine World Mastercard®
Earn 2% Money-Back Rewards on purchases in two 2% Money-Back Categories of your choice, and 0.50% Money-Back Rewards on all other purchases with Tangerine World Mastercard.
What else will you get:
- Have your Money-Back Rewards deposited into a Tangerine Savings Account, and get a 3rd 2% Money-Back Category.
- No limit on the amount of Money-Back Rewards you can earn.
- Change your 2% Money-Back Categories to suit your spending.
- Mobile Device Insurance
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PC Mastercard product is the worst product on the market, with poor customer support, extremely long wait times, and customer service representatives who aren't trained, don't know what they are talking about and their advice varies from one customer service agent to another. Really frustrating trying to get anything resolved. I am a customer for the last 5+ years and only recently had the unfortunate experience of dealing with customer support since my card was involved in fraudulent activity.
This card temporarily ruined my life. The fact that I can't get a full transaction history to figure out why/how I'm carrying a balance is insane and seems borderline illegal. This is only listed in the statement, which can't be copied and pasted from to put in a spreadsheet. Certain cards can only see certain transactions, and all the transactions for cancelled cards are removed from the transaction history. Support is either non-existent or completely useless, but very much looking forward to going through the painful process to cancel this card.