Home Insurance Reviews

Industrial Alliance Home Insurance Reviews

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(8 reviews)
Industrial Alliance
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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Insurance increase 4 years

by Lisa-Marie on Jun 15, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

Customer with 1 claim in 15 years of 7k about 5 years ago and have been increased annual premium for the past 4 years between 400$ to 500$ a year. The explanation was an increase due to actuarial adjustments for flooding in my area... I live on the top of a sandbank that not even grass grows because water cannot be retained. I tried calling you and you left me on hold for over an hour every time.

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Horrible Customer Service

by No More Tears on Apr 15, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I changed both the house and car today and so happy. I'm now paying half the amount I was paying. What made me switch was the pricing but also how very rude the IA agents are. When you call to cancel, they put you on hold forever (hence why they ask what is the purpose of your call ) They are giving me a penalty fee of $45 for canceling my auto insurance when my renewal was only 1 month away, but it'll be well worth parting with them!

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by Jizmo on Oct 3, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

My company switched to IA over a year ago and I have noticed a drastic change in the quality of service and actual payment of benefits. They seem to not pay for more products/services than they actually do pay for. They refuse to pay as the secondary payer on a variety of claims for my family. Blue Cross is way better (something I never thought I would say) as was Sun Live. Very unhappy. Not sure why they exist.

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Are you a condo unit tenant? Remember that neither your condominium corporations' policy nor your landlord's insurance policy protects you as a tenant (3rd part liability, contents, etc.). If you do not have your own insurance policy, get your condominium insurance quote today.

Assurance médicale

by IAbad on Feb 14, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Leur procédure pour le remboursement des frais médicaux est atroce. Leur service client laisse à désirer. Ils s'appellent maintenant IA assurance. Leur grand-pêre est Hiha Tremblay parce qu'ils sont une vraie "joke"!

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Review topics

This company is disgusting.

by mustanghorse1@hotmail.com on Jan 2, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

This company is disgusting how they treat their customers. They are quick to take your money but try every dirty trick in the book to avoid paying out what they owe. Even a minimal amount.
They will delay and avoid paying what they owe to deter you from claiming.
Do not be fooled by the glossy brochures. They will take you for anything that they can, even a small amount.

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Review topics

Worst compagny ever!

by alexk on Aug 4, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I've been insured with Industrial alliance for 1 year and the next year my premium sky rocketed. Not only this but the claim wasn't quick to solve...

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Households in Alberta pay, on average, approximately $60/month in homeowners’ insurance costs. We can help to push these costs even further down. Get a house insurance quote today to start saving today. Rates start at $20/month.

Wait way to long for claims.

by rmclaug1 on May 25, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I have been waiting since May 03 for $1000.00 claim of my Flex Account. On my fourth call right now. All forms filled out correctly. They made error on spouse insurance which was clearly marked on my form. Let my claim sit from May 11 to May 18 without contacting me. Now May 25 and I am told I still have to wait until Monday for processing. After speaking with manager, she says she cannot help me. Very frustrating to wait 1 month almost now for the simplest of claims possible.

I had a similar issue with them last year when I claimed on Dec 14 2015 173.00 and received payment Feb 22 2016.

Then one For period Jan 15 2014 to Feb 15 2014 for 528.00 paid out on April 23 2014.

One for period June 06 2014 paid out on Nov 27 2014. Unfortunately stuck with Industrial Alliance because this is my works Insurer.

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by Anonymous on Apr 11, 2012
4 out of 5 stars

Overall Industrial Alliance is a good company, but premium raise was too much after I claimed (compare with my current insurer), so I had to change.

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