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TD Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(584 reviews)
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Corrosion Warranty

by Boomer on Oct 18, 2018
3 out of 5 stars

Had my Audi repaired by one of their preferred shops, not a great job to boot, had to go back a few times to correct paint match problems, gaps, panel alignments, etc. A few years later, I had a problem with corrosion on the Audi. Went to the Audi dealer to submit a claim, and was advised that my corrosion warranty was null and void, due to a 3rd party had repaired that panel on the vehicle. Be wary of any warranty you have on your car, especially corrosion warranties, if their so-called preferred shops touch your car, instead of the manufacturer approved body shop. The manufacture can, and will, void any applicable warranties on the vehicle. Therefore, the TD guarantee that they give you when going to their shop, is really a moot point. Just take it to the manufacturer's authorized shops, and don't listen to what anyone at TD tells you. After all, you are paying them for a service and paying dearly, so call the dealer/manufacturer, before you commit to just any body shop to repair your vehicle. It is your car at the end of the day. So take it to the right shop, educate yourself before making any decision, and get it fixed right the first time. Who knows your car better than the manufacturer anyways?

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