Tangerine MASTERCARD Consumer Reviews

Looking for a Cash Back credit card?
Earn 2% Money-Back Rewards on purchases in two 2% Money-Back Categories of your choice, and 0.50% Money-Back Rewards on all other purchases with Tangerine World Mastercard®.
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Customer service is non-existent at Tangerine. Many people select this credit card for its cashback features but they make it very difficult to ensure all cashback is properly claimed. I had an adjustment awarded once but now I've been told policy is not to adjust more than that when issues are encountered with the MasterCard category setup by the vendor. For example, if somewhere operates as a fast food place, and your 2% cashback category is "eating places", you will only get 0.5% as that is not a restaurant. Strange, because the category is "eating places" and not "restaurant". Also, if the category isn't properly set up from the vendor's end - Tangerine refuses to allow adjustments. They are rude and put you on hold for 45 minutes. I asked to speak to a manager and never got one, only was apparently relayed a message from a manager that they would not adjust for any issues. If you spend enough money on credit cards, go with a major bank, their customer service actually exists and they will try to take care of you. I'll gladly pay a fee for a credit card to avoid this kind of treatment. The frustration with Tangerine isn't worth anyone's time.
I selected groceries as one of my 2% cashback categories - the first month of using this card. I ordered groceries through Costco insta-cart 3 times. The first time I got 2% cashback, the second time 0.5% cashback and the third time 2% cash back. I can't really understand why there would be differences in amount back considering it's the same vendor. After reading the other reviews, I'm not going to bother phoning to fight with their customer service and wasting my time. I'll go back to my other credit cards and keep this one on hand for use once in a while. Smaller banks like Tangerine are free to fight for market share, but they need to be honest about their cash back incentives and improve customer service. The online chatbot is useless too.