Rogers Platinum MASTERCARD Consumer Reviews

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Earn 2% Money-Back Rewards on purchases in two 2% Money-Back Categories of your choice, and 0.50% Money-Back Rewards on all other purchases with Tangerine World Mastercard®.
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I tried to make a valid purchase and my credit card was blocked. Whenever I try to call Rogers Bank, I am told this is being reviewed and nothing ever gets done. This has been ongoing for 5 days and I have now put in an official complaint to Rogers, hopefully, this will speed things up.
These product features are common. They offer relatively small rewards based on purchase amounts. But even this small reward can be impossible to redeem due to their horrible customer service. They simply ignore your requests and may even close your account where they don't like your questions or complaints. I once called them with a few basic questions about my account balances and CSR was not able to answer any of them. I was truly frustrated and the conversation resulted in their closing my account while I was specifically asking to keep it because I wanted my rewards redeemed. They simply closed my account because I was asking too many questions and probably was "difficult" for them. Afterwards, I called them again and CSR told me the account was closed voluntarily. This was not true and I keep the audio recordings of my conversations with Rogers MasterCard CSRs proving it was closed against my will. Never been mistreated like this before but have no regrets about closing the account, except for losing my rewards. No anger. Customers have the right to know the truth and opinions.