Walmart MASTERCARD Consumer Reviews

Looking for the best Credit Card?
Earn 2% Money-Back Rewards on purchases in two 2% Money-Back Categories of your choice, and 0.50% Money-Back Rewards on all other purchases with Tangerine World Mastercard®.
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I had this card for about 1 and a half years and was loving the rewards that were adding up but it all started to fall apart after I overpaid my card (meant to put in 100$ instead I added an extra zero when I transferred the money to the account). I tried to call customer service as soon as it happened so they could cancel the payment but they told me they could not cancel it till it was in the account. Long story short I was going back and forth with them on the phone for almost a month until a manager finally got on the phone and told me to do a reverse transaction from my bank, so I did and got my money back 2 weeks later but because I had taken the money out, there was now a debt of 100ish dollars on my account which was now over the deadline, so they charged me interest. I paid back the full amount (including the interest) and told them that I wanted to cancel my account and so they did right away. A month later, which is today, I got a bill in the mail for my closed account for an amount owing of 19 cents... I CALLED AND ASKED THEM WHY I WAS GETTING INTEREST ON MY ACCOUNT THAT WAS CLOSED THAT HAD 0$ IN AND THE GUY TOLD ME THAT THEY CHARGED ME INTEREST ON THE 0$ BECAUSE OF A REOCCURRING INTEREST. The guy heard how angry I was at the whole thing and zeroed my account again for me. The people are fine and honestly try to help but the company is corrupt.
I just got off the phone after spending half an hour trying to explain to the customer service rep that there was a fraudulent charge on our card, and we needed the card cancelled and re-issued. No charges reversed or anything; just a new card. I was put on hold more than 15 times and repeatedly told that I must contact the company that issued the charge had to reverse it. I wasn't asking her to reverse it! And then she hung up on me, so I couldn't do the survey at the end. That was a mistake; I'll be hitting every review site I can to tell everyone that this rewards card is not worth the dismal customer service!
Tangerine World Mastercard®

Earn 2% Money-Back Rewards on purchases in two 2% Money-Back Categories of your choice, and 0.50% Money-Back Rewards on all other purchases with Tangerine World Mastercard.
What else will you get:
- Have your Money-Back Rewards deposited into a Tangerine Savings Account, and get a 3rd 2% Money-Back Category.
- No limit on the amount of Money-Back Rewards you can earn.
- Change your 2% Money-Back Categories to suit your spending.
- Mobile Device Insurance
Get this card / Apply online
Horrifying employee treats me terrible over the phone and still does not resolve my issue. I have never in my life gotten mad over the phone to an employee of any business. Walmart has been absolutely unseen for theoretical behavior today, not completing what I asked for and being very rude and obnoxious towards me; so I asked to be put on to the manager and they kept me on the phone for 25 minutes to transfer my phone call to the manager, they put me onto someone different who was definitely not a manager, who ended up hanging up on me and put me to a machine service which then hung up on me after I put in a low rating. I am horrified and will no longer ever use Walmart rewards MasterCard.
Card perks are okay and I think come in useful, but don’t ever think you can get good service from anything that has the name Walmart associated with it. Service is one of the worst I’ve ever experienced ever.