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RBC Rewards VISA Consumer Reviews

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(64 reviews)
RBC Rewards VISA
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Rewards point system scam

by Hamed Soltanishirazi on Feb 8, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

I wanted to use my points for travel and they said I have to wait until I have enough points to use for let day Europe flights from Canada, (65000) in order to use the Avion travel point system otherwise it would be 100 points to a dollar system. And once I had enough points the offer for the tickets was to use 65000 points plus paying the full amount of the ticket in cash or using a 100 to a dollar system. Which did not make any sense, I thought at first it was a mistake and it should 65000 or pay cash for the ticket but it turned out after calling so many numbers and talking to so many people that's what it was. A complete rip-off and scam.

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