Presidents Choice Financial MASTERCARD Consumer Reviews

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I have been waiting for my card since February. I applied for the card because the offer looked good and my supermarket of choice is NoFrills. Even though I sent in my full Proof of Income Statement as soon as I received the request, I heard nothing for 5 weeks. The first time I finally phoned to follow up, they initially said I sent the wrong documents. They checked again with me on the line and said that they were the right documents after all, sorry for the delay and that the team would work on it and call me back. After they didn't call back, I phoned them and they once again told me they would send it to the appropriate team. They did call me back this time and said again I sent the wrong documents. I asked if they could check again and they said that they could not and I could only resend the documents again. It is now approaching 6 weeks and it still does not look like I will get my credit card anytime soon.
They do not help their customer if they have problems with chargeback. They are on the company's side, not their customer's. I'm cancelling their card. I would rather use my visa. They charge my account interest charges without my knowledge. Terrible customer service.
Tangerine World Mastercard®

Earn 2% Money-Back Rewards on purchases in two 2% Money-Back Categories of your choice, and 0.50% Money-Back Rewards on all other purchases with Tangerine World Mastercard.
What else will you get:
- Have your Money-Back Rewards deposited into a Tangerine Savings Account, and get a 3rd 2% Money-Back Category.
- No limit on the amount of Money-Back Rewards you can earn.
- Change your 2% Money-Back Categories to suit your spending.
- Mobile Device Insurance
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I am with PC Mastercard since 2010 without experiencing any problem but Dec 2017 we were approached by the agents of PC Mastercard in Superstore Airdrie Alberta telling us to upgrade with PC World. I asked them if we need to open a new account with that because I don't want to open a new one since we have PC Mastercard since 2010. We were told to that just activate it and destroy our old card and that's it... same account number. But now we have negative impact rating on the credit bureau because it's actually a new account we do not know I keep on paying without our old account number every time we shop I used to pay afterwards. I thought it just didn’t update yet, that's why I overpaid. That or shopping since we used the card that is not reflected in my online banking, but my payments are there. Then I discovered yesterday by calling them that I am not actually paying it because it's a different account number that we were not told about and now we are facing a negative impact on our credit bureau rating. We were told to call credit bureaus to explain what happen that's why I am giving BAD Rating now because it should be you who needs to explain to them. I paid everything yesterday and requested to close the account. PC Mastercard has to do something about it. If only I have lots of money I wanted to sue them. We don't want to have a negative credit rating as we are going to renew our mortgage soon. We always pay responsibly and we didn’t get an overdue bill. These agents in Superstore Airdrie need to be trained because you are not only making money but you are ruining other people's lives. Instead of us getting a low-interest rate and having easy renewal mortgage. Now, this is impossible for us. You are dealing with the future of the consumers when you are offering them credit cards. At least be honest. Please.
The reason for the bad rating is regarding security. My Grandmother's wallet was stolen from her at the Grocery store yesterday. We called the police and called all of her card companies, but PC financial was an unfortunate experience. She is old and English is not her first language and for security we aren't allowed to help her validate herself. By the end of the phone call we had been told that my grandmothers pin must have been too easy to guess as they had gotten it on the first try and we were liable for the money. It is now under investigation but just the idea that we have to worry about this when she's never even used an ATM before is really upsetting. Most of the companies assured us right away that this would be sorted and she was in no way liable. I've advised her to cancel the card after the investigation as it just isn't worth the risk if she is ever targeted in the future.
To be fair this has nothing to do with the rates or any other part of receiving a pc financial card which she really liked, just the customer service and security when banks clearly have insurance for these kinds of ordeals.
This company is an absolute DISGRACE to their best long- term customers! The supervisors are horrendous also! I should be reimbursed for the time I just wasted on Valentine’s Day no less!
Tangerine World Mastercard®

Earn 2% Money-Back Rewards on purchases in two 2% Money-Back Categories of your choice, and 0.50% Money-Back Rewards on all other purchases with Tangerine World Mastercard.
What else will you get:
- Have your Money-Back Rewards deposited into a Tangerine Savings Account, and get a 3rd 2% Money-Back Category.
- No limit on the amount of Money-Back Rewards you can earn.
- Change your 2% Money-Back Categories to suit your spending.
- Mobile Device Insurance
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I am very happy with PC MasterCard
I have a very good set up with President's Choice Master Card. I am very satisfied with what they offer and their point system is great in order to get extra food for my family
great rewards
Tangerine World Mastercard®

Earn 2% Money-Back Rewards on purchases in two 2% Money-Back Categories of your choice, and 0.50% Money-Back Rewards on all other purchases with Tangerine World Mastercard.
What else will you get:
- Have your Money-Back Rewards deposited into a Tangerine Savings Account, and get a 3rd 2% Money-Back Category.
- No limit on the amount of Money-Back Rewards you can earn.
- Change your 2% Money-Back Categories to suit your spending.
- Mobile Device Insurance
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Very happy with the cash back rates. We usually can buy a week's grocery at least once or twice a year solely on the cash back.
Wow, I have a number of credit cards. The one I definitely would not recommend would be any Presidents Choice card. They will give you credit limit increases and then take them away the next month. This has happened to me twice. Also, online statements only go back 24 months where most credit card companies go back seven years. I had to pay $10 per statement to get the ones I couldn’t print out. And then they told me it would take 5 to 10 business days. It only took me 3 days to get the right person on the phone to get them printed off in the first place. I normally don’t make posts like this but this company is out to lunch