Car Insurance Reviews

Cooperators Auto Insurance Reviews

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(169 reviews)
1.6 out of 5 stars:
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Cooperators = Crooks

by Robert Jones on Sep 20, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Never a good experience. I was a loyal customer for nearly 20 years. I always felt I was paying a little more than I should be, but never really shopped around. So I decide to stop in one day and the receptionist tells me that no one would be able to see me. After looking around the only people present are the receptionist, two insurance reps and myself! I came back later at a preset time. I asked for a review of my rates and my insurance past, clean record and never made a claim. No change or savings on my rates. So I checked with CAA and received a savings of almost $30 a month on my auto insurance and $12 a month on my home, with better coverage! Cooperators answer to this was to charge me even more money for ending my policy not on my renewal date. Worst insurance company ever, find insurance anywhere else! They take more and give you nothing.

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Howie Centre woman happy insurance company…

by Cape Breton Post on Jul 24, 2017
4 out of 5 stars
CAPE BRETON POST“I’m very thankful to be alive and very thankful that The Co-operators did reopen and do a more thorough investigation that made them come to the decision that it was a no-fault accident,” said Donna Matheson, a widow and mother of two.

“I think it was a good judgment call on their part. I appreciate that they did that.”

In a written statement, Michelle Robichaud, spokesperson for The Co-operators, said: “We’re pleased to support Ms. Matheson through her claims process following this unfortunate accident.”

CAPE BRETON POST Matheson and her friend, Jolene Gouthro, were coming home from a Canada Day concert at the Emera Centre in North Sydney when the accident happened. Gouthro was driving Matheson’s vehicle because she wasn’t drinking alcohol.

Another driver had knocked a power pole down. It was laying directly across the road when Matheson and Gouthro turned a corner and saw it. Although Gouthro did slam on the brakes, it was too late to avoid hitting the pole.

Nova Scotia Power confirms the length of the pole is 35 feet and Cape Breton Regional Municipality Public Works confirms the width of the road is 26 feet.

“When they initially told me it was going to be considered an at fault accident I was of course very upset,” Matheson said. Read more at

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Great company and amazing cs

by Jen on Jun 27, 2017
5 out of 5 stars

I was with the cooperators previously and switched to another company for a lower price. I returned because the cooperators has amazing customer service and they actually matched the other competitor's price. Never switching against.

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Buyer be warned

by DisappointedHusband on Jun 16, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

My wife was in a car accident in 2015. Suffered a massive back injury, can't sit normally in a chair anymore due to pins holding her back together. I had a premium Auto Insurance coverage with over a million in coverage for rehabilitation. Cooperators does not assist at all. You need to constantly fill out forms and get doctors assessments before they provide any financial assistance in making life comfortable. My wife has slept on the couch for 2 years waiting for a custom bed. Every month, "we just need one more form filled out". Simply disgusting how they treat a human. You become nothing more than a case file and an expense. Buyer be warned, Cooperators has little interest in helping, just making a profit.

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Best Insurance for Auto

by Kelly Miller on Apr 24, 2017
4.5 out of 5 stars

I've had two not-at-fault accidents caused by careless/reckless drivers, who evidently were charged by police - but I digress. After both accidents I called The Cooperators within an hour of the collision, and they immediately got to work with renting me a car, getting my car taken to a body shop, and hooking me up with their injury claims people. My premiums are pretty low, and my experiences have been nothing but great. You're doing it wrong if you're not with The Cooperators. I had physio for several months after one of my accidents, paired with massage and acupuncture - all covered by my claim, and never once did I have an issue with anything. They're fabulous. I was with Aviva years and years ago, and they were the absolute worst company I've ever had to deal with in my life. Had another not-at-fault when I was 18 - pizza delivery man hit me going 80 in a 40, and HE GOT 0% AT FAULT, and I had to take the hit - literally! When he caused the accident! I even had viable witnesses that they deemed unfit to testify.... I was livid. As soon as they closed that claim, I moved to The Cooperators, and they've been fantastic ever since. I recently got life insurance through them, and will be buying my first house and insuring it with them this year. Don't go anywhere else but Cooperators - but especially never ever ever use Aviva. Unless you want to be called a liar and get blamed for something you didn't do, just because you're an 18 year old female and the pizza dude was a 50+ year old man. (I'm still bitter, can you tell?)

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by Abac on Apr 16, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

We were rear ended (no fault of ours )by someone with cooperator insurance. I use someone else for insurance. So to start with i have 2 children involved, who's car seats needed to be replaced ( no injures to them thankfully) . warning to all they will not fully replace your car seats they will give you about 50% the cost of new back. At the cost of car seats that was a very expensive cost we had to foot ourselves. Our vehicle was an older vehicle they decided it was not worth repairing . while they did give us a fair settlement on the cost of the vehicle they towed it the next day but it took over a week to get our money after they had said 2-3 days . also would not provide us with a rental vehicle making it nearly impossible for a family of 4 to shop for a new vehicle , my children missed nearly 2 weeks of school, sports and activities as there was no way to get them there . my husband had to taxi or pay to get rides to work . overall they had no interest in helping us and cost us a lot of money for a accident that was not our fault .

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Horrible experience

by Cybersunday on Apr 7, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I had a car accident almost a year ago. My injury prevents me to work, my driver's licence is suspended and years this company is denying me any benefits. As a result of the accident, I am absolutely broke.

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by Shanrowe on Apr 5, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Do not go with co-operators, they do not follow the legal rules for drivers. My husband has been with them for 20 years and as soon as a claim came up, they screwed us. I was accused of an accident that was the fault of the other driver and I has to be responsible for 50% and the other driver had 0%. The other drivers insurance didn't make him responsible and the other driver was responsible for this accident. I am with co-operators and I was screwed with 50% when I was not responsible for this accident. Also there no witnesses and no evidence suggesting that I am the person at-fault. The underwriters were rude. They hang up on you, they tell you nothing, they just assume it's your fault every time when there is NO evidence that you were at fault.

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Horrible Claim service

by Ihateco-op on Mar 23, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I had a great experience getting my account set up everything was very easy and they took care of most of it.
Now making my first every claim and it is unbelievable how different the services is. By different I mean bad. The responses take days or weeks. I try over and over to get a hold of them they don't pick up there phone. I will even email stating when I will call and still can't get a hold of the correct person. They owe me money for storage and I have asked at least 5 times about that and every time literally answer all my other questions and ignore that. Now I am currently filing a complaint and even they haven't gotten back to me and it has been almost a week.
Horrible service if they owe you money would not suggest this company to anybody

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Cooperators is Crooked

by Janet Moore on Mar 13, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I had a claim where no one knew what happened in a parking lot, no police involvement. I got a call a month later from Cooperators saying some guy accused of hitting his can when I didn't. Since no one knew, it went 50/50 but the other guy got off scott-free b/c he claimed 0% first even though he's 50% responsible. The customer service stinks, my claims adjuster just kept accusing me with no proof. The appraiser said I couldn't have caused the accident but b/c Cooperators needed to accuse someone, I was the person. Any joe blow in a parking lot can write down your plate number and call insurance and accuse you and if you with Cooperators, they will make you liable. THEY ARE CROOKS! Bad for business.

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