Car Insurance Reviews

Belairdirect Auto Insurance Reviews

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(527 reviews)
1.8 out of 5 stars:

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Accident Forgiveness...NOT!

by lawlessj on Nov 6, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I recently had a claim for which I was at fault. It was my first auto insurance claim. I felt somewhat relieved that I had 'accident forgiveness' through Belair, especially considering they increased my monthly rate by $15 the year before. When I asked why, they couldn't give me a reason. When my insurance came up for renewal this year, my monthly rate increased a further $30/mo!!! I called and asked why and they told me it was because of the accident I had been in. I told them that I had accident forgiveness, so my rate shouldn't increase at all. They gave me a story that they, as a company didn't increase my premium, but because I was in an accident, my Alberta Government rating was lowered and so they had to charge me accordingly. What!? How is that 'accident forgiveness'? To make it worse, their tv commercials focus on their accident forgiveness and how you can get off 'scott free'. BS! False advertising? As soon as I can get a better rate with another company, I'm outta there!

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by Nasim on Nov 2, 2015
2 out of 5 stars

I was involved in an accident where I was evidently not at fault. Sent them photos to prove it as well. Not only they condemned me to being partially at fault and destroyed my clean driving records, but after 10 years of being their royal costumer, they totally disregarded their "no premium change after first at fault accident" and increased my premium by 2.5 times.

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by Nasim on Nov 2, 2015
2 out of 5 stars

I was involved in an accident where I was evidently not at fault. Sent them photos to prove it as well. Not only they condemned me to being partially at fault and destroyed my clean driving records, but after 10 years of being their royal costumer, they totally disregarded their "no premium change after first at fault accident" and increased my premium by 2.5 times.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

What a hassle

by Jwalsh on Oct 21, 2015
1.5 out of 5 stars

I moved from Alberta to Ontario. Had lived in Ontario previously. Belair direct wouldn't accept my Alberta abstract that was a few months out of date and made me get a new one which was a complete hassle as I was in Ontario. I have been driving since 1970 and they wanted proof. My insurance was with their partner firm Canadinn Direct for past 15 years,but they told me that I had to obtain proof though that is contrary with what I had been told by Canadian Direct. Though the price for insurance was double what I paid in Alberta they said it was discounted if I insured my home with them? I agreed, but when applying for the insurance they said they won't insure it because I have a wood stove. Also they tell me I must use a GPS tracker in my car! This is after they sign you up! Terrible service!

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Worst experience belair sucks

by Shan on Oct 21, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

Had an accident car valued at 20k repairing cost was 15k and they couldn't do a total loss it doesn't make sense other insurance companies will do a total loss tight away. Zahid B. worst claims supervisor ever very disrespectful and not cooperative with customer bad review 0 out of 100 for him. He swore and demanded to approve repairs for my vehicle

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by mveltri on Oct 13, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

Belairdirect provided me with my absolute customer experience ever! The problem with insurance companies is that you don't really know what they are like until an issue comes up. Unfortunately I found out what Belairdirect was like. In their defense they had me re-apply for insurance because I missed a payment. I'm new to paying for my own insurance and didn't transfer the funds into the account which is my fault. The problem is once you have to re-apply it is an absolute nightmare. They mail the application and then you have to mail it back and then you have to wait 17 business days for them to look at it. Once they look at it and if there is anything that isn't properly filled out or missing they again mail it back to you and then again it is another 17 business days etc, etc. It is absolutely unbelievable! I don't care how much their quote is... I will NEVER use this company. God help you if you ever have to deal with them for a claim IT'S NOT WORTH IT!!!

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.

Worst mistake ever

by worst experience on Oct 12, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

Stop advertising you have the best customer service because you people do not. Every time i call the same attitude like " huh is it a problem? you can always go to other companies" why we do not know that? I should have given - 0 stars but there is no option to do that. Remember the minute they say you have to wait for 17 or 21 business days that is the time you should forget about belair and actually go to other companies. believe me these guys are worthless. I have never seen a worst customer service ever. They do not give anything. they will make u to wait until u loose your patience.

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Insurance takes too long

by Castraphobic on Oct 10, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

This company is the epitome of an unmitigated disaster. Every individual on the phone would give a slightly different quote and although it may seem that the quote is cheaper, it is not worth it. You would first have to request a form that you have to fill out and mail back. This process is suppose to take about 17 days according to the customer service representative, it took my application 45 days. This I thought was unacceptable, I was not able to drive my car until I had my insurance and this company had the audacity to send back my application because of errors. The only error that I had was I forgot to write my postal code, not even a call back, mail back for me to wait 45 days.. Unacceptable. Of course I was not patient enough to wait that much, so I decided to go to Co-operator, who did the application in 1 day and the next day I was able to drive. Avoid this company at all cost, they are way behind in time and have not adapted to modern technology. Resulting in slow, unorganized and dysfunctional services. The 17 days they claim is to check over your history and past but any other company will do it in less than a day. Trust me.

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Joke of a company!!

by Shan on Sep 23, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

This company is a joke when it comes to pay out your auto claims also their customer service is the worst, not once has anyone called me and it has been a month. You have to call them over and over to find out what is happening and not one person from reps, to adjustors, to the manager has the courtesy to pick up a phone and call you to tell you what is going on. On top of it they went 50/50 on a rearend which clearly showed that I was rearended, but because there were no witnesses they concluded there was not enough of evidence, when clearly everyone from collision centre to police said it was the other parties fault.
Beware of this company because once my claim has closed I do not want to have anything to do with them, I just cannot wait to have my claim closed who knows how long that will take now.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

Awful Experience

by kkid on Sep 10, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I recently received a quote that I was somewhat pleased with. I called them back within a couple hours about adding my boyfriend on as an occasional driver and they told me that they would have to cancel my insurance as they deemed him an unsafe driver (had 4 speeding tickets in the last 3 years). I carried on and found insurance elsewhere but noticed that they had not put the first double payment deposit back into my account. I called them about this discrepancy and they told me that they actually insured me for the random number of 20 days (WITHOUT EVER TELLING ME BECAUSE I FOUND OTHER INSURANCE ELSEWHERE AND FEW DAYS LATER). Infact, they told me that I should be considered lucky because I could be charged 13% of my quoted total for the year. Having to pay for a service I did not use (and did not even know I had), is wrong on so many levels. I will never insure with this fake scam of a company ever again, even if they offer the lowest rate. I advise YOU to STAY AWAY from belairdirect.

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