Car Insurance Reviews

Belairdirect Auto Insurance Reviews

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(527 reviews)
1.8 out of 5 stars:

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$125/month turned into $342

by Trust Me: Avoid Them on Nov 4, 2014
1.5 out of 5 stars

I have never felt so taken advantage of in my life. What I was originally quoted at almost tripled because of a clerical error by my previous insurer – not even my fault. And by the time I found this out it was too late, I was already enrolled and had no choice but to accept their increase. I spent A LOT of time on the phone to try and get the problem fixed and ended up canceling the policy… not surprisingly even the cancelation process was frustrating. I personally cannot in good conscious recommend this provider to anyone after my experience with the company.

I may just be another internet review but my advice is: Avoid at all costs. If you give them a crumb they will take a pound of flesh. I shudder to think what they must be like when you have an actual claim.

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$350 increase after 1st year

by JayD on Aug 26, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

We switched to belairdirect in Sep. 2013 because their rates were lower than the competition. We're now in Aug. 2014 and were just notified our premium was going up by over $350/year for bogus reason ("the company increased the premium due to where we live, the kind of car we have; blah, blah,blah").

Needless to say we're shopping around for a new insurance company.

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Pleasantly Surprised

by BimmerGuy on Jul 28, 2014
5 out of 5 stars

Apart from a rep with less than exceptional english skills I was super surprised at how smoothly the cliams process went. When I got a quote for 100 less per month than RBC I thought for sure customer service would be wacko. Not bad at all...will update this post if anything changes.

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.

Increase insurance

by on Jul 17, 2014
1.5 out of 5 stars

After 5 years payment to Belair at the time of Renewal I would expect to see the rate going down because of no accident ,no fine and no claim !
BE Lier increase my car insurance more than 30% !!!!
one customer said :I’d guess, someone has to pay for people who get into accidents on the road, and that someone is You, not Belair.

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Worst. Ever.

by smt232 on Jul 16, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

I wish I could give them a 0 star rating.
Everyone that is so happy with their insurance, just wait till you have a claim. For an accident that wasn't even my fault (someone ran a red light) I had originally thought everything was going to be easy our first insurance adjuster was fantastic everything was moving along. And a few weeks in she quit. (I Wonder why) We were assigned a new adjuster who to say was (is) incompetent is an understatement. Not sending proper documentation, saying he never received paper work when it was sent so many times. It's at the point now that we are faxing the documents daily, the same ones over and over again. Because it's been 10 months. He was caught in lies with our chiropractor and physiotherapist. Saying he never received paper work, when she had called 20 minutes prior and talked to another person who said yes all the paper work has been documented and is in the file, blatantly 20 minutes later he said no it wasn't there. It wasn't until she said well that's funny because i talked to so and so 20 minutes ago and says its in the file on the computer. They also got told the cheque was in the mail. A month later, no cheque still. Never returns calls, it literaly takes weeks and weeks of calling and leaving voicemails, and talking to other representatives to get this guy to do his job. This is just the short jist of the run around Belair has been giving me. I wish I could be this incompetent at my profession and still maintain a job. The only reason I haven't cancelled yet is because i cannot afford the cancellation fee since I've had to pay out of pocket for all treatments from this car accident. This is how they treat a 10 year customer.

Side note i moved across the town ( same town outside the GTA) and my insurance went up 92 dollars a month. For the same insurance policy I still drive to the same place of employment the car is still parked in a private driveway. Another person who lives in the house is with another company and insurance didn't move a penny. Talk about a scam.

November 1st Belair is being cancelled in this house.

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For respect fo elsewhere

by Mme Cormier on Jun 17, 2014
2.5 out of 5 stars

They sale supplementary product with bold face lie and false information, not informing you of your own obligation, had a complaint going with them for over 2 weeks never heard back from them, the person in charge of my file was never available and never returned calls. I went to settle the claim side and warned them if they charged me of the extra bogus protection I would cancel my home insurance with them and go elsewhere, and surprise surprise they did charge me for it so I cancelled my home insurance went with Desjardins better protection at a better price, and a more courteous service.

Speaking of which Belairdirect as ZERO respect for the LGBT community, total disrespect, misgendering and dissmisiveness by their staff, really not impressed, not doing business with them in the future that's for sure.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

saved 2000 dollars a year!

by bruno on Jun 12, 2014
5 out of 5 stars

I got my very first car last september (20 male KW area) and had the insurance with TD general since i had home insurance with them too. However, after half a year, i felt like my insurance premium was too high which is 380 a month, so i did a quote online on belairdirect, it ended up 190 a month with 900 dollars annual for home insurance bundle. awesome company, I'm doing well with auto merit, too. And hopefully i could end up saving more!

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Horrible Experience

by razzl on Mar 28, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

Stay away from belair direct. They are extremely over priced. They change your renewal date without notifying you (because I made a switch on a vehicle), the cancellation fee is huge and they cannot even explain how they calculate the penalty. And when asking to speak to a supervisor, we were told she was too busy and would call us back at her earliest convenience (4 days later). Horrible service and way overpriced product!

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Can you say "bait and switch?"

by KTom on Jan 13, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

Put in for a quote through Kanetix, when I phoned to set up a policy I got a whole new story from Belairdirect, they wanted to change around the policy and up went the price. If they won't even be honest at the quote stage I can only imagine how they would be if I had a claim.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.


by Belair Direct on Aug 13, 2013
5 out of 5 stars

18 yrs old and quoted at $3083 anually by far the best rate. All my other quotes were over$4200.

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