Car Insurance Reviews

Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance) Auto Insurance Reviews

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(408 reviews)
Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance)
1.6 out of 5 stars:
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Never get Auto Insurance here

by Toyota on May 26, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

Basically a good company if you never get a claim

One you have a claim as I did for a stolen vehicle I got ripped off.

My truck on Christmas, 3 months later I got it back from insurance after months of trying to get a hold of people and people hanging up on me.

Bought my truck for $9000, got $3600 back from insurance all because my door handle was ripped off and ignition busted so therefore in their books its a write off


You get what you pay for

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Auto quote

by Thetruth on Jan 7, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

Called for a quote. Told them all info. I have two serious claims i was upfront with. She took my license number and says she sees those convictions and proceeds to tell me I am insurable, 100%. Kept in touch as I began looking for cars, and continued to get quotes and ok'd for insurance with TD. Finally found a car. Put a deposit and asked TD rep. to put the VIN and insurance in place. She says I am not insurable anymore because there are other things on my record. Was told by other reps. That the original rep. Did not look into the matter fully(even though she confirmed all the she obviously lied). Also was told they didnt have to look any further until the insurance was about to be purchased. They will do nothing. None of the reps will state they did anything wrong, even though I was misquoted on every single occasion until I was ready to pay for my insurance. Shady. Inaccurate. Inconsiderate. Dishonest. Bad business and no decency. Please, avoid this company and all others affiliated with it. They are not in the business of helping you. And they have all of their policies to back them up, so you will not win. Ever. At the risk of sounding redundant, please take your business elsewhere. This company does not deserve any hard-earned money. Leave them be. The other reviews can attest to this very same experience, in one form or another. Wish I would have read them before this. Let my experience not be regretful....please listen to this and all of the other reviews. Avoid TD Meloche Monnex.

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Happy with Meloche Monnex

by hughfrost on Nov 25, 2013
4.5 out of 5 stars

We moved our insurance over to Meloche Monnex because the quote was substantially lower than our previous provider. We have found the customer service to be good, however we have never had to make a claim.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

Very bad company

by Shirley on Nov 5, 2013
1 out of 5 stars

I had been with this insurance company for my car and house since 2004. At the beginning, the rate was reasonable with my university group policy. However, I found they were increase my premium gradually without any reason (I have very clean record without even any ticket). This year, when I changed my working company, they almost doubled my premium! I have no choice but switch the insurance. I cancelled my policy with them at 5th last month, and was told I would get the refund (prepaid) in 20 days. Then until today no money was refunded to me. I called the costumer service and was told I have to wait until 15th this month to get the money back without any reason. My lesson is never go to this company for low rate at the beginning.

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Rates Kept Going up

by Lee on Oct 29, 2013
2.5 out of 5 stars

I had been with TD since 2001 (so over 12 years).
At first my auto rates were very reasonable.
But noticed that my rates have been going up for the last few years.
I'm in my late 30's, have home insurance with them, have had a clean record for over 9 years (my only accident was in 2004 and was a both at fault accident, but has since been wiped off my record). I don't drive anything fancy or racy. Yet this year's renewal went up over 15%. When I called, the customer rep had no answer, only to say, it might be the car you drive.
So I have since left, as I used a insurance broker who found me another company 45% less!
I have since moved both my home and auto insurance over.

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Not at fault not paid

by EXmeloche on Sep 15, 2013
1 out of 5 stars

Was in a parked car with engine turned off. Other party smashed into the vehicle. Was apologetic and even wrote a sorry letter. Yet the insurance company took over one year to decide that it was 50 percent my fault for sitting in a vehicle without the engine on and legally parked and getting hit by someone to acknowledged responsibility. Would not pay for my deductible. Had to take them to small claims court for them to pay.

Cancelled my home, and three vehicle insurance at the next renewal and paid only a few bucks more for an insurance company with a reputation of paying when they need to.

If you are filing a claim with them read your rights on the FSCO website because they depend on your ignorance to deny you.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Horrible Service

by Paradopolis on Sep 14, 2013
1 out of 5 stars

These guys charge WAY too much for what they offer. Renewal time came around this year and my policy went up 50% higher than the competition. I received renewal documents and ignored them as I did not want to renew, and I had not given them my banking information. I payed for 1 year with credit card. When my renewal came up, I looked for alternatives.

Months later I receive a letter saying I now owe them $120 which is half of my new coverage, for 3 months of coverage. Calling them up to debate this ends with me learning they can just auto renew my contract without me signing a damn thing, and charge me a huge cancellation fee without any notice what so ever.

Stay the hell away from these guys.

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Long Term Customers Beware !

by PonyCar on Sep 7, 2013
2.5 out of 5 stars

Long term customer with Meloche (over 10 Year). My wife and I are both over 50, no at fault accidents in over 30 years of driving and both have clean records. We have two cars and our home insured with TD. Rates were reasonable but over the past few years have noticed rates creaping up even though we have never made claims. We have been in the same home for 30+ years with no claimes and our insurance went up 25%. I complained and they knocked it down by 10%. I sold one of my cars as we no longer need it and they raised the insurance cost of my single car by 32%. I have called 4 other insurance companies to get quotes and rates are 40% lower with the same coverage. I will be cancelling my car insurance and will shop around for my home insurance.

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Terrible! Avoid at all cost

by CalgaryCovetteOwner on Aug 27, 2013
1 out of 5 stars

I have what I thought was a simple claim man backed into me in a parking lot, my car was off no issue right? Wrong this led to a claims proses that took almost two years to come to conclusion and led to them arbitrarily deciding that it was to be a 50/50 claim. I called them almost weekly looking for updates. My first adjuster called me only once and then went on maternity leave. The second adjuster I didn't even know existed until my third adjuster called to let me know she was handling it from now on. It went even more down hill from there, she was rude and quite short when on the phone. I received multiple promises of a "team leader" calling me one "the next 24 hours" which never happened. And after more then a year I get a call out the blue albeit only after I contacted the TD ombudsman letting me know they had to settle for only a 50/50 claim. I then told my adjuster this was 100% unacceptable and that if this accident went against my record I would leave TD meloche, her response was "that's fair" in a careless tone as if my buisness was worthless. So to sum it up: Never ever do business with TD Meloche they don't care about you at all!

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.

Not flexible at all

by Not a fan on Aug 22, 2013
1 out of 5 stars

I tried to pay my bill by cash at the local TD bank with my bill in hand. The teller was unable to process the transaction ( the account # on the bill was in the wrong format). The teller tried to call meloche but was unable to get through. So I called meloche myself and waited on hold for 20-30 mins. The man from meloche told me the best thing to do was to send a certified cheque by overnight post. So I went to my bank got a cheque and jumped through that hoop. Later I called to get a quote to add my car to my home insurance. I was informed I had no home insurance. Apparently my bank printed an official cheque not a certified cheque. Meloche cancelled my home insurance without a phone call. I am told by my bank an official cheque is the same as certified. So I called and explained all this meloche and to tell them my bank would vouch for my story. Melcohes decision: I owe them $100 and I can't get insurance from them for 5 years.

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