Car Insurance Reviews

Intact Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(414 reviews)
Intact Insurance
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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Most helpfull reviews


by Peter on Jan 26, 2022
1.3 out of 5 stars

To call Customer Service... On the phone the whole morning... On hold... Still wasn't able to talk to anyone.
Called my adjuster directly... Cannot get hold of him. This is the third time I tried to reach him.
Regarding my auto insurance claim, I have to take the initiative, called the auto shop, they only got the pictures that I sent the adjuster more than a week ago. They say pictures are not enough, have to bring the car in. The adjuster will advise me. Up to now, the adjuster still didn't call. I have to take initiative again and again and schedule an appointment myself with the auto shop.
TERRIBLE... TERRIBLE.... will switch once the policy expires.

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My Driving Discount

by Concerned mom on Jun 20, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Intact Insurance monitors your driving for a minimum of 6 months. Based on your driving, they apply a discount. After 5 months of being in the program, my car started to act up. The power steering would kick on, my anti theft light came on and the gages on the dash were fluctuating. I did not feel safe to drive with my car being this way so I went to a mechanic and he did a test and told me that it was the monitoring device for the My Driving Discount that was doing it. I called intact and they sent me a new one. The same thing occurred this time it happened right away. The company said that I have to unenroll from the program because it had not been 6 months or meet their requirements. Overall, they took my data and left me with nothing but a screwed up car. Thanks Intact!

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Not a good company

by W l h on Feb 13, 2016
1.5 out of 5 stars

I was ran over in a crosswalk by a guy who uses intact insurance. I also am insured by them. I was hurt really badly, driver admitted hitting me in crosswalk he was charged under motor vehicle act, tried in court and convicted. After accident my wife suggested getting legal counsel as she felt I would get run around.

Lawyer started claim on my behalf. Had conference with adjuster told I would be given section b benefits for medical/ lost wages. Great atleast things would get taken care of. Boy was I wrong. First thing I get sent to a physio company, I was promised by intact they would pay. Here I am in physio with a head full of pain killers been there 12 sessions. Next thing I know I'm being told my physio wasn't being paid I had to cover cost. I couldn't work had a 4 year old at home and only wife's income which was part time as she was in college. I have lawyer call and get told by intact just to pay as the paperwork was being processed. They stated I would be renibursed but I couldn't afford to pay as them nasty little things called bills wait for no man. I had to quit as 175 per season x 12= 2100 dollars. Didn't intact use this against me saying I hadn't done enough to mitigate my injuries? You bet they did

Now I'm promised section b benefits of 80 present of my wages. After weeks of nothing I get told before section b begins I have to use my employment insurance illness benefits and once they lapse I'm covered. I found this weird the government had to pay out for a injury they were liable for. So the Sick benefits run out and still no section b coverage. Eleven months later and bills piling up I get a check Christmas Eve.

Section B payments were 140 per week or 560 per month no where near 80 percent of my wages.(welfare recipients made more per month) Then one month check is on time next it's late. At times it would be two months before I got a check other times it wouldn't come due to adjuster vacation or they forgot. Hard to live and pay bills when you never know if a check it coming.

Wife and I go to renew insurance as we also use intact. Premiums tripled so we inquire. States I have two claims one for a minor accident I aknowledge and another for a claim the same date I was run over. They used my policy to pay me section b even though I was walking across a street when hit. Hell of a time to correct this and is still on my record!

5 years later still no compensation heading to court as I'm not believed even though plenty of documented proof of injury and they never sent me to a dr to despite my claim. Been harassed by there private investigators constant at home and at work. They even stalked my wife's work. Never have I seen such a deplorable company. I laugh at the tv ads. They are not out to help just save money and gouge everyone in process. If you ever have a claim hire a lawyer expect to be harassed neglected and called a liar

They will screw you any way they can and can get away with it. Your truly a David vs Goliath.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

Switch before it's too late!!!

by Kohar097 on Nov 13, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

Oh where to begin. I have NEVER written a bad review for any company in my life but this had to be done. I'm not actually with Intact but I was in a horrible road rage accident will driving in the passenger seat with my boyfriend. The man hit us so hard and it resulted in one hell of a painful injury for me. I know that my boyfriend had a whole set of problems with the accident claim but I was dealing with the injury department. My accident was 6 months ago and I have been contacted by 4 different people (via email, they won't call me) about my injury, each time asking me to begin again to describe what happened. I still have not heard back from each of these 4 a second time. My boyfriend can't get his car fixed and I can't get treatment because I've maxed extended health care benefits. Same goes with my boyfriends accident claim. I won't bore you with more details but please reconsider this insurance company before you are in a nasty accident. Like I said, writing a bad review is a totally first for me, so this has taken a lot. I am also personally with TD who has been absolutely amazing.

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Absolutely Horrible!

by unhappy-angry-customer on Sep 25, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

This company is NOT there for you when you need them. I was in an MVA, another car ran a stop sign and hit me and totalled my vehicle. I am have major surgery to my spine (ACDF c6-c7) and even though they were provided with more than sufficient medical reports and diagnostics, they still insisted I see their "doctors". I agreed, as I have nothing to hide. All I was trying to get was wage replacement while I recover from the surgery and they have denied me because their "neurologist" says I have carpel tunnel. A neurosurgeon would not be opening me up and doing major surgery on me for nothing (he has nothing to gain) especially when carpel tunnel was ruled out with nerve conduction studies. I am a hard working mother of 3 children, I am a nurse and I may be looking at losing my home..thanks to this criminal organization. Do not use this company!! They only want your money and will not help you when you really need it. My advice after my experience with this organization is if you have an accident, lawyer up immediately!!!

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worst customer service ever.

by calgary customer on Feb 28, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I had a accident on Nov 17/2014 and my car was deemed a total loss by December 2014. Intact provided a for 58 days before making me an offer, I made a counter offer on the day they took back the rental. Today is Feb 19/2015 and they still have not come back with a number. I have been left with no car and no settlement for 6 weeks. Why are our insurance premiums so hi with service like this??? If I could rate intact a zero I would!

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Scam Artists and Liars!

by INTACT THIEVES on Oct 8, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

Please do yourself a favour and avoid this 'company'.
Had a not at fault claim. Completely useless. Was misinformed by various representatives, my claims agent was "unable to make outbound calls". Ripped me off my rental car time allotment.

Tell everyone you can to avoid this lazy, cheating company.

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Review topics


by TRaptors16 on Aug 13, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

Car was deemed a complete loss for an accident that was not my fault...Paid me a fraction of what the vehicle was actually worth. Adjusters extremely rude...Did not return calls and had the nerve to give me attitude when I followed up on my claim...Stressful experience no body should have to experience.

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Not my fault, is my problem

by on Aug 7, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

I got backed into by someone who has insurance with intact. I wasn't even in my car and I was on the far side of a parking lot. There were absolutely NO other vehicles around or near me this guy was just obviously not paying attention. So this little accident caused some serious damage to my car. The air conditioning is wrecked my transmission oil cooler is wrecked as well as my power stealing cooler and that's only the damage that is visible!!!! I am a single mom with two kids. My youngest being six months old and my oldest turning two in November. So! I got an approval yesterday to have a rental vehicle until my car is fixed as the shop they deal with cannot get my car in until the 18'th. so I get a sitter take my car to the body shop (I had to sit there for an hour while they talked to an insurance adjuster) then I ended up having to drive down to the rental place and pick up my rental. I left my damaged car there cuz I didn't have anyone to drive it back to the body shop with me. So today I get a call from intact saying I have until the end of the day to RETURN the rental cuz they will only cover the rental while my car is in the shop. Just becuase it is not SAFE for me to drive my car in plus thirty two weather with two babies doesn't mean my car isn't driveable. They told me to roll down my window. My issue is why do I have to be inconvenienced by this when I wasn't even near my car when this guy backed into me??? On top of that if my transmission over heats from driving it while the cooler is damaged they won't cover the cost to repair any further damage then what the quote said. The thing that hers me is I was approved yesterday for a rental until my car was fixed by a lady the body shop was dealing with then the adjuster on my file called me today and said he was cancelling my approval??? Pardon my language but WTF?????

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dont bother.

by hockeygirl6teen on Feb 18, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

As an 19yr old female under my parents name, i was paying a whoping 272 a month. For the lowest everything.... so pretty much just having it to be legal. After months, i just got to thinking how rediculous that amount really is. I even completed my G and notified them, and they didnt drop my rate even though i was then a better qualified driver. I called and asked why itdidnt drop in price. Customerservice couldnt give me a straight answer, or one that made sense at that. After three times of her trying to justify why it didnt drop in price i said enough. Hung up. Started searching around. I saw no potential in ever paying less in price from intact insurance. Plus, customer service ... was rude. Needless to say, i switched. I now pay 188. Thats right 84 dollars cheaper a month. Enough said. A 50min phone call to another insurer (girl who set me up was polite and didn’t act like you waste her time) …made me feel like I won the lottery. Switch today.

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