Intact Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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I had insurance with these thieves for 2 years. Luckily never made any claims, who knows how much pain I would have gone through if I had to claim after reading the reviews here. OK, let me tell my story here: I bought insurance for my 2 cars and home with Intact. WITHIN 3 months they increased my premium $30/month, then in the next 3 months went up another $30/month, YET another $30/month in another 3 months. Within 9 months(that's is after I bought the insurance for a YEAR) they increased my premium $90/month(this is EVEN before it renewed)... Never had any accident/claim before or after I bought insurance from these thieves! I called up and asked them WHY, here is the answer they gave me (laugh if you feel like): IF THE SAME MAKE AND MODEL AS MY VEHICLE gets into an accident, they would increase the premium for ANYONE insured with that same make and model of the vehicle!!! I asked them if I can cancel the insurance... they said I have to pay 2 months premium as PENALTY!... So I decided to stay until it expires.... then when the renewal was coming up I called up and see if they can reduce my premium... Guess what they were going to increase the premium even $100 a month MORE upon the renewal WHICH THEY NEVER EVEN would have told me IF I didn't call them up... then... they PRETENDED like they are concerned and asked all my records (with they already HAVE)... and gave me a renewal quote for $5/month more than I paid previously. Another reason they gave me for the increase in premium is that INFLATION! Can this be believed? WHAT the inflation of the economy is 300% a year!? STAY AWAY from them! Get insurance ELSEWHERE!
My car caught fire I know it's only been 12 days but I'm getting the run around no one has contacted me to even send an adjuster when I call its same story your adjuster will call you back he is on the phone. But never calls I call the claims department and they give me a ridiculous story that they were calling my old house phone which is funny because the company never had a house phone on my file because I have a cell phone. My car caught fire in Ontario and I live in Quebec I've literally been stranded at friends till I get this sorted out because I don't have transportation back and forth when they do decide to come. Like is there anyone I can contact that is above my adjuster like his boss that would help me.
Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.
Car insurance is to give you peace of mind knowing that you will be taken care of if the need arises. It was the exact opposite when our vehicle was stolen from our driveway 3 months ago. We have e-mailed, called and provided all the information we could to help with the settlement. In return, we have been ignored and even made to feel like we are the criminal. When they do respond it's only to say they are working and we were told at one point there was a possibility we would not receive any compensation. We've called the support line to see if anyone else could help but was told only the person assigned to the case could deal with us. We were told the caseworker was sick or on vacation but never available. We were so happy when we received a phone call that the vehicle was found in December as part of a huge criminal investigation. The police reports were sent in immediately but again no further action. It's a month later and we are already out thousands of dollars and still no end. We have been making payments for 3 months on a vehicle that we don't have, the rental car coverage has expired so we now are paying out of pocket so we can at least we can get to work. What I would like to know is how it is possible that companies like this are allowed to take advantage of people with no consequences. Something needs to be done about this, every review I've read is similar, this a criminal.
I have been receiving letters about a false claim, and I have been trying to contact them about this only to get ignored every single day, I call many times. I have sent emails, left voicemails, as this issue seems to be time-sensitive according to the letter. For some reason, I am told I can only deal with this through a specific agent that sent the letter, and they are just not responding to anything! They are purposely ignoring me so that my rates automatically go up over this claim. Do they get some kind of commission for this? I don't know. This claim doesn't actually exist though!!! Absolutely ridiculous, completely untrustworthy. Do yourselves a favour and PLEASE go elsewhere.
I called them 10 time to reenroll me for my drive discount program but I got no respond
The worst and unprofessional insurance. Not helpful at all. Not only they charge huge money but also never help and care about customers. Had to call them 4 times to solve my issue where I was charged $659 extra but never helped me at the end they connected to irrelevant departments where they said you called wrong department and I had to repeat to calls. Finally gave up calling and wasting time. Please never recommended there are thousands of insurances with excellent customer service and care. Never consider this one!
WORST company I've ever had to deal with. The mistakes and excuses given are like nothing I've ever heard before. After a week of waiting for their adjustor which was pointless because the estimate wasn't even accurate. I was told my car was at the body shop and getting fixed and I would get a call when it is ready. 10 days later I get a call thinking my car should be ready, only to learn its a loss, they won't fix it, return the rental in 1 business day. Their adjustor missed stuff because he didn't put the car on a hoist because "the battery was dead". For 10 days I thought my car was being fixed so I took no action to look into other options, I was informed no one contacted me because there was a "clerical error, and my claims representative was sick and in training a few days". Had to argue to have the rental longer as I was blindsided due to their mistakes, extending the rental should have just been offered at the very least! I was offered money for my car that couldn't get me something equivalent as the kms were low and the car was in great condition. So the day I found out this news I left work to get a second opinion on the damage of my car to find out the company towed it an hour away the same day they called me to give me the news but didn't inform me or even mention the car would be moved. The excuse this time was "that was a mistake". Its never-ending difficulties and they do nothing to accommodate, just give excuses and make the client suffer for it.
My car was towed by Lyons auto, Mississauga after an accident. They started repairing without getting my permission. Intact didn't help me to get my car out of there. Maybe their people were getting some special benefit from these crooks.
If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.
Hi, I have had a claim open for the past 5 years. Which I have been trying to settle for that many years. Intact keeps asking my lawyers for the same info over and over and over and over again to try and delay the process of settlement. They obviously don’t care how much of a life effect it has on the former clients. They just don’t care. They are just trying to get out of paying. Because that last what they do.
Insurance claim on an 8-month-old vehicle. They are trying to force me to use "preferred shop" so they can use aftermarket and/or used parts. I told them I wanted it repaired at the jeep dealer and they would only approve 1/2 the estimated amount now after several phone calls and emails they still have not replied to me or my broker. I already have a call into my previous insurance company who was only slightly more. God forbid it had been a serious claim.